Shepherd of the Springs Lutheran Church

A Confessional, Evangelical, Sacramental, and Liturgical Congregation of the Lutheran Confessions.
Where the Lutheran Reformation Lives!

Pastor: Rev. Jeff Patterson
(719) 396-4710

Deacon: Dr. Steven A. Hein
(719) 338-7891

6755 Earl Drive, Suite 100
Colorado Springs, Colo. 80918-1041

Can’t make it to Church this week? Watch live via our Facebook page. Previous services and education hours also available.
(no FB account required)

Join us as we celebrate the coming [Advent] of our King. Sunday Divine Service is 9:00 a.m. Wednesday evening Vespers start at 7:00 p.m.
Education Hour is 10:30 a.m.

Why Shepherd of the Springs? We are a congregation that reveres the art and beauty of the Six Chief Parts of the Catechism.